International Ranger Federation
History and goals
In order to preserve the integrity of natural and cultural resources, already in the early 1990s the rangers in various countries of the world became aware of the need to establish and develop mutual cooperation. At a common meeting in 1992 the ranger associations from the UK and USA created the International Ranger Federation (IRF).
The aims and mission of the IRF are:
- to further the professional standards of rangers throughout the world,
- to advance the aims of the IUCN's World Conservation Strategy,
- to share knowledge and resources,
- to establish global communications with ranger organizations,
- to foster professional exchanges between rangers,
- to arrange regular international meetings
- to undertake joint activities to directly support common goals,
- to represent rangers interests through close co-operation with other international organizations.
Any association of professional rangers can become a member of the IRF if its members are involved in:
- nature conservation and its components (flora a fauna),
- preservation of historical and cultural heritage,
- creation of nature-based recreation opportunities,
- interpretation of natural, cultural and historical themes,
- management of protected areas.
All member associations have an equal voice (voting right) in the Federation activities. In countries, where there is no national association, IRF accepts an associated membership of a national representative until a full-fledged association in a particular country is established. Rangers associations do not pay membership fees, but are expected to contribute an agreed percentage from their budget to support communication and cooperation with IRF and its members.
Member associations are expected to adopt the Ethical Code of the International Rangers Federation. Every two or three years the IRF organizes a world ranger congress. The IRF president is David Zeller, the vice-president is Deanne Adams.
*** informations about IRF www.int-ranger.net