
Slovak Rangers Association (SRA)

Associations of rangers in Slovakia and Europe
Rangers and conservation professionals from various protected areas create their own associations and guilds nationally or internationally in order to co-operate and share experience.

Slovak Rangers Association
Slovak Rangers Association (SRA) or Asociácia strážcov chránených území Slovenska (ASCHÚS) in Slovak is a voluntary association of nature conservation professionals employed by the State Nature Conservancy and volunteer rangers in the Slovak Republic. It closely co-operates with partner non-governmental and other organizations working in nature and landscape conservation, both at the national and international levels. SRA is a full member of the International Ranger Federation (IRF).

The main mission of the association includes the following objectives:
  • to unite nature conservation professionals of Slovakia working in the field,
  • to facilitate their meetings and exchange of information and experience,
  • to continually improve the work of its members and to enhance their qualification,
  • to educate and raise the public awareness about nature conservation in Slovakia,
  • and to implement projects aimed at nature protection, environmental education and further expansion of the association and its action.
  • Nature conservation professionals employed by the State Nature Conservancy as well as any volunteer rangers can become members of the association. Also organizations and groups could become members if they support the development and activities of the association. The association has its own statute. Any changes in the statute must be approved by the Assembly. According to the statute, the Slovak Rangers Association has the following units:
    - Assembly of all members It meets once a year. The overview of all the assembly meetings and major documents approved are recorded in the Chronicle of the Association.
    - Executive Committee It has 5 members and meets at least 4 times per year or when necessary. The contact details of the members and minutes from the meetings of the committee are published in the association's newsletter and on its website.
    - Supervisory Board It has 3 members and acts as an independent controlling body of the association.

  • About us

  • History

  • Activities

  • Partnership

  • Newsletter

  • IRF

  • Contacts

  • E-mail