
The Chronicle of the Association

Meetings of protected area rangers in Slovakia

The protected area rangers in Slovakia regularly meet to deal with various tasks such as discussing the legal issues of nature conservation (especially the Law No. 543/2002 on Nature and Landscape Protection, Regulation No. 24/2003, Law No. 372/1990 on Offences and Law Breaches, Guidelines of the State Nature Conservancy on Fines, and other relevant laws and regulations), exchanging international experience, learning how to apply for grants and how to act as a public body, etc. Rangers also exchange information for the newsletter "Slovenský Ranger" (Slovak Ranger), prepare public campaigns about ranger's work and define strategic goals for their further action.

The meetings are also used as a platform for further education of rangers. Special training and instruction is provided in such areas as how to recruit and supervise volunteer rangers in protected areas, how to improve the professionalism of rangers in accordance with the existing methodological material entitled 'Ranger's certificate'. The meetings of rangers are often used to address specific topics such as workplace health and safety, species and land conservation, the management of mountain meadows, safety in the field and guiding of field excursions, environmental education and practical interpretation, radio-communication, CITES, etc.

The meetings are accompanied by regular expert field excursions, often attended by many guests from abroad.

The overview of meetings of protected area rangers in Slovakia
No. Dates Place
111.-12.4.1996CHKO Muránska planina - Predná hora
26.-8.11.1996NP Slovenský raj - Stratená
313.-15.3.1997Gbelce - Parížske močiare
413.-15.11.1997NP Nízke Tatry - Vyšná Boca
52.-4.4.1998CHKO - Biosferická rezervácia Poľana - Predná Poľana
65.-7.11.1998NP Malá Fatra - Štefanová
725.-27.3.1999CHKO Slovenský kras - Drienovské kúpele a NP Agtellek - Maďarsko
811.-12.11.1999NP Slovenský raj - Čingov
915.-17.6.2000TANAP - Račkova dolina
106.-8.10.2000CHKO Poľana - Poľana
1117.-19.5.2001TANAP - Monková dolina
1218.-20.10.2001CHKO Veľká Fatra - Smrekovica
1310.-13.4.2002NP Slovenský raj - Čingov
1416.-18.10.2002NP Poloniny - Nová Sedlica
1524.-26.4.2003CHKO Cerová vrchovina - Teplý vrch
1612.11.2005Banská Bystrica
1711.11.2006Banská Bystrica
1826.-28.10.2007CHKO - Biosferická rezervácia Poľana - Chata pod Hrbom

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